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#1368314 - 30.12.18 21:19 Poland: New tourist cycle routes in West Pomerania
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Beiträge: 27
Hallo aus Polen :),

did you know, Friends, that the Polish province of West Pomerania put into service the first long sections of its new bicycle route network?

The entire network will consist of four routes with a length of 1120 kilometers. The most popular will be Velo Baltica - of course - running along EuroVelo 10 and 13. The remaining routes of the West Pomeranian network include, among others, the Blue Velo (Polish counterpart of Oder-Neisse Radweg) and the Western Lakelands Route (Trasa Pojezierzy Zachodnich).

The new cycling route starts right at the bridge in Siekierki, runs through Moryn to Trzcinsko-Zdrój and then turns north to Gryfino. About 60-70% are cycling routes on the former Prussian railway lines.

Because these are not very popular areas among Polish tourists, it is worth looking for accommodation and meals in advance - I am writing about several possibilities in the article on my website:


The next works and development of the bicycle route network in Western Pomerania are planned for the coming years. The Western Lakelands Route will run through Zlocieniec, Borne-Sulinowo to Szczecinek. Blue Velo - up to the Baltic Sea.

Current information appears on the fanpage on Facebook:


And this is the map of the new bicycle network - the purple color means the sections completed and put into use:


These are some pictures from the Gryfino-Siekierki route from November this year.

Former railway lines as new bicycle routes:

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

New signage:

[ from znajkraj.pl]

Places to see - Trzcinsko-Zdrój (Bad Schönfließ):

[ from znajkraj.pl]

Moryn (Mohrin):

[ from znajkraj.pl]

Turnau Vineyard:

[ from znajkraj.pl]

The bridge in Siekierki (Zäckerick):

[ from znajkraj.pl]

One of the important elements of the development of West Pomeranian routes will be the renovation of the bridge in Siekierki and making it accessible to cyclists and pedestrians. This is going to happen until 2021.

With love from Gdansk smile

cyclingthread & znajkraj
The best cycling tourism inspirations

Geändert von Maze (01.05.23 19:32)
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#1368319 - 30.12.18 22:35 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Moderator Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 22.164
Hi Szymon,

this is very good news, at least for the large number of cyclist in Berlin. schmunzel We travel quite often to Poland. It is not so far away from here. Thank you for the information!

We have done two big tours (big means at least 5 people, often more) to Moryn, two to Szczecin, one to Gorzow Wielkopolski and a countless number to Slubice and Osinow Dolny in the last years. During the tours to Szczecin, we used the short bicycle lane on the former railway tracks from Swobnica via Banie to Borzym. But near Borzym it stopped suddely in a forest, leading the riders on a very bad cobblestone road. How far is the asphalt right now? Does it extend to Gryfino already? I have not bee there for 2 years.

Your pictures show a signpost for Gryfino (6) and Szczecin (37). Thus, I assume, the way is complete now?

The opening of the bridge at Siekierki was frequently announced in German newspapers a couple of years ago. It was open for German and Polish officials for one day, and there was a short film in local TV. But then nothing happened... This bridge would make the way to Moryn more attractive. On the German side it has direct connection to the Oderbruchbahn cycle way (and hence, also to Berlin).

The GPS track "blue velo" on your homepage - is that something still planned? Or can this track be cycled as it is?

Have a nice New Year! bier
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#1368320 - 30.12.18 22:39 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Moderator Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 22.164
Where do you live? It would be nice to meet you personally. I would like to invite you to any of our tours, the next ones will be on 5.1.19 and 19.1.19 (unfortunaltely I will not be there for both tours, but there will eb other cyclists from this forum...). You can also come to Berlin and drink a beer with us. bier

Best regards,
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#1368326 - 31.12.18 07:30 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
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Beiträge: 2.996
Unterwegs in Deutschland

Hello Szymon,
this seems to be good news. Not long ago, I went with Sabine, my wife, on a tour from Krakow along the "via regia" with the little workaround of the region of Zakopane to Katowice and all the way to Breslaw. The quality of the descripted "velo route" was sometimes rather a wish than a real bicycle way.

Nevertheless did we like your country and your fellow polish people very much.

Happy new year, Jakob
Ich glaube, dass Gott uns in diese Welt gesetzt hat, um glücklich zu sein und uns des Lebens zu freuen. (Lord Robert Baden-Powell)
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#1368341 - 31.12.18 10:53 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Keine Ahnung
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Beiträge: 13.131
Dear Szymon,

Since my father was born in Slovakia (close to Spišská Nová Ves), I have also visited Poland several times and I also had cycled there. I will certainly return to both Slovakia and Poland and explore new regions by bicycle. Thank you for your information.

Happy New Year!
Gruß, Arnulf

"Ein Leben ohne Radfahren ist möglich, aber sinnlos" (frei nach Loriot)
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#1381245 - 01.04.19 17:55 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 367
Dear Szymon (and all),

thank you very much indeed for the recommendation - I took the chance to check out the new route between Siekierki and Gryfino last weekend.
It's really good by all standards and was very enjoyable (with the notable exception of some rather bumpy kilometers after Trzcinsko-Zdroj). I was also pleasantly surprised to see that the new route is being actively used by tourists and locals alike.

While it is true that it can be a problem to find a warm meal along the route, there's still enough supermarkets with comfortable opening hours not to let you starve. It also looks like the commentator on your website was right (if I understood correctly) about a few rooms being available for overnight stays in the centre of Trzinsko-Zdroj.

I can't wait to see the bridge open and connect it to the Oderbruchbahn-Radweg...

All the best,

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#1504264 - 14.07.22 08:35 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
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Beiträge: 164
Hi Szymon,

just found your post and am trying to revive this thread! ;-)

Last weekend, I cycled across the Odra at Siekierki and was astonished by the superb quality of the veloroute. We stopped at Moryn and cycled back to Berlin.

Considering to extend these tours in summer, I was wondering where and how to get the .gpx data for the routes? Are these available?

Best wishes from Berlin,
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#1514237 - 10.11.22 07:04 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Sklodowska226]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 367
Hi Nicolas

although summer has gone now: there is a downloadable gpx in the first link provided by Szymon, maybe it will still come in useful on the future.

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#1521562 - 16.02.23 21:31 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Moderator Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 22.164
Originally Posted By: Szymon
One of the important elements of the development of West Pomeranian routes will be the renovation of the bridge in Siekierki and making it accessible to cyclists and pedestrians. This is going to happen until 2021.

The Polish part of the bridge is ready since autumn 2021, the German part since summer 2022. The Polish part looks more professional... the whole bridge can be crossed now easily by bicycle.

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#1544411 - 11.02.24 16:31 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Toxxi]
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Beiträge: 27
Hi there :),

sorry for my absence here - a lot of things has changed since my post here. But as I have mentioned here...

Cycling Thread - routes and infrastructure (General Discussion)

... I've started a new website about bicycle routes in Europe and I soon will be able to help you find out more about the new routes in Western Pomerania in - I think wink - more understandable way.

There is almost completely new shape of the Polish EuroVelo 10 part, new bicycle paths around the Zalew Szczeciński/Stettiner Haff, the Old Railway Bicycle Route to Kołobrzeg and many more:

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

And of course the outstanding Siekierki-Neurüdnitz bridge between Poland and Germany - the joint investment of Western Pomerania and Brandenburg (and EU funds, of course):

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

[ from znajkraj.pl]

Is this the largest bicycle infrastructure facility in Europe?

I'll try to write about it on Cycling Thread asap.

cyclingthread & znajkraj
The best cycling tourism inspirations

Geändert von Szymon (11.02.24 16:34)
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#1546281 - 10.03.24 13:26 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
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Beiträge: 27
So, as promised, my extensive report from the EuroVelo 10 route in the Western Pomerania region - ca. 240 kilometers from the Polish-German border through Kołobrzeg to Ustka:


Happy reading cool


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cyclingthread & znajkraj
The best cycling tourism inspirations

Geändert von Juergen (11.03.24 08:25)
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#1546318 - 11.03.24 08:15 Re: Polen: neue touristische Radrouten in Westpommern [Re: Szymon]
Keine Ahnung
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Beiträge: 13.131
Thank you for the information on this EV!
Gruß, Arnulf

"Ein Leben ohne Radfahren ist möglich, aber sinnlos" (frei nach Loriot)
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