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#1290183 - 27.06.17 11:47 The Perfect OneWatt Machine
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Beiträge: 263
Yet another of my pieces basically made out of old bicycle parts.
The disk of an old disc brake, an hub, a few magnets and some junked relay coils.
The result is what you can see in the video here below.
Accurately dimensioned and then electrically, magnetically and mechanically calibrated, this strange artefact seems to be able to produce the so-called "perfect watt” .... nothing more than a kilo weight dropping by a meter in ten seconds taking into rotation the "generator" thus producing exactly that "onewatt" used to light-on a few leds!

Other photos HERE
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#1291992 - 07.07.17 11:44 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: ConRAD]
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Beiträge: 263
For the time being, however, I'm just using it to show, and possibly touch with your own hands, how tough is to produce a single watt and .... and at this point ask people a very simple question : "have you an idea of how many times I'm supposed to lift by 1 m the 1 kg weight to produce 1 kWh ? wink

answer: it's a very big number !!! ... any idea ??
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#1291999 - 07.07.17 13:18 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: ConRAD]
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Beiträge: 522
The one parameter omitted is the efficiency of the generator... It is 10 Ws (or J) per m, with 3.6×10^6 J per kWh i get 3.6×10^5 m.

Have you measured the efficiency?

Geändert von Flachländer (07.07.17 13:19)
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#1292008 - 07.07.17 14:09 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: Flachländer]
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Beiträge: 263
yes, 360000 times !!!! that's really a huge number !!

About efficiency I'm afraid that is very low but I'll try to measure it.
To make things easy, maybe it's better if I remove the bridge rectifier and connect the output on a resistive load.
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#1292019 - 07.07.17 15:15 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: ConRAD]
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Beiträge: 263
as expected efficiency is very low, so with this configuration, i.e. 20 poles, 5 coils and a load of 50 Ohm I've got output voltage U=2.5V so 0.13W and so far an efficiency=13% ... a misery !!!
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#1292334 - 10.07.17 07:46 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: ConRAD]
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Beiträge: 522
I guess your setup contains a unintentional [url=Eddy brake]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddy_current_brake[/url]. I also guess you have to guide the magnetic field more to generate enough flux inside the coils.

Cool work.
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#1292448 - 10.07.17 13:20 Re: The Perfect OneWatt Machine [Re: Flachländer]
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Beiträge: 263
As far as eddy currents are concerned I think that in this case it's NOT a big issue; magnets indeed are totally steady compared to other metallic/conductive parts and as a consequence I don't see how they could generate.
Of course a small amount of eddy/stray currentes are always present but non in this case.
You are right I might improve the magnetic circuit BUT that was not exactly the purpose of what I did, in other words I didn't want to make a generator but simply a 1W-Machine; mechanical/gravity power on one side, electrical/magnetic power on the other side, everything has been done just with junkies that I had in may garage!!
However,talking about the magnetic circuit, look where magnets are mounted: there is an aluminium disc (totally amagnetic) with twenty holes just to secure the magnets and the magnets themselves that stay attached to the brake disc that, in this case works as a magnetic coupling among the north-south magnetic poles.
On the other side the coils are magnetically coupled by a simple very rudimental peace of iron .

All that might sound a bit preistoric ... but it works !!
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