Hallo Erwin
Wir sind momentan in Tehran und warten auf unsere pakistan-visa. eigentlich wollten wir diese stinkstadt umgehen, um die visa in zahedan zu machen. Wir bekamen aber eine mail von einem Freund, welcher schrieb:
The Zahedan and Mashhad consulate are not allowed anymore to issue
visa's to dutch tourists (and maybe other nationals too). Everything goes through the Pakistan embassy in Tehran.
The only exception was Mashhad where they could do it only if we insist on the application there. It would take 2 days for the communication with the Pakistan Embassy in Tehran.
The Zahedan visa guy is outright rude - maybe because the're sick of all the same questions again and again.
So we're heading for Tehran too - in case you have some info about the
Pakistan application process in Tehran we'd be very happy to hear it.
Die besten Chancen hast du also in Tehran, 2 Hollaender hatten soeben die Visa erhalten. Du brauchst ein Empfehlungsschreiben deiner Botschaft in Teheran, dieses haben wir problemlos erhalten
Good Luck