Hello Saad. I’m sorry for delay.
It is simple to say about the best time for cycling in Russia. Of course, it is summer season, but September and May might be good too. Although for some people here, closing the summer bike season means opening the winter one. It is interesting to read our bike forums in winter where guys from Siberia discuss their cycling at -32C and such problems like at what temperature hubs freeze and stop working. I’m not one of them, because I love to ski much more in winter.
As for long distance bike routes in Russia, the question is complex indeed. It depend how you would like to tour fast or scenic for instance. There are tons of travelogues in the Russian Internet about bike touring in Russia. It is real pleasure, to read some of them, which aren’t just technical reports about distances, average speed, food, money, hotels etc. I love when author creates illusion of participation.
I don’t know how to share this with the rest of the world because of the language barrier, so I don’t want to give the links right now. All I can do is to add the page on my website in English, which would be dedicated to bike touring in Russia, and to put there the links to my favorite travelogues with minimal comments. I think this material would help to orient oneself in the subject. However, this job will take some time.
There are many travelogues on touring in Russia in English also, but they are written not by native Russians. I like to read them, sometimes with a smile, but if I was going on tour abroad, I would prefer to know how locals do this. Sometimes, I looked at the Polish or Czech WebPages, but had no possibility to translate ones.
Finland is nice country also to make a bike tour. We did it last year, but the travelogue is in Russian. I want to translate it in English. Furthermore, I have to fix some html bugs as I have done with my Turkish page due to Roland.
I’m sure you will have enough information to make a bike tour of Russia or Finland and maybe we will come to Jordan for cycling too.
Sincerely yours