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#49289 - 06.07.03 02:22 bicycle travellers from canada
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
hi there,
i just moved to canada ( see www.toomuchtime.de ) and i'm wondering how many "non-registered" canadian bicycle travellers are visiting this bicycle forum?
it would be great if i could get a little bit of feedback grin
(hi rick.... wink )
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#49315 - 06.07.03 11:15 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 3.664
Hi Andreas,

no, I'm not a Canadian. But now that you are living over there it's your job to announce this forum. grin
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#49319 - 06.07.03 11:36 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 98
Unterwegs in Argentinien

Sorry, so sad, I am a german too. Can I help you? Have fun! LUPUS
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#49326 - 06.07.03 14:01 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: Maze]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
i did make advertising! but people tell me all the time---that there is not much going on in the international forum.... smirk
maybe it's because where i live there are not many "real" cyclists on the road. but if our plans turn out and we can move next spring to vancouver island then i guess i would find more crazy guys cool
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#49335 - 06.07.03 16:27 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 3.664
Good to hear smile

That's the point - it will be the biggest problem to get the forum started. Everyone takes a look, doesn't see any activity and then leaves. But I'm sure we gonna make it grin
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#50502 - 17.07.03 15:17 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: schwalli]
Carol Streeter
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Beiträge: 23
Hi Schwalli,

why are all these Germans speaking English together in the Globiker Lounge???

I'm British, not Canadian, but I do have a Canadian sister-in-law. She certainly won't be travelling through Winnipeg by bike!!!

Happy hunting smile

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#50548 - 17.07.03 21:22 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: Carol Streeter]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
hi girls!
it's time for a phone call!!!
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#63466 - 21.11.03 02:01 Re: Canada [Re: schwalli]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
HELP grin
Is there anyone- out there- from Victoria BC?

Geändert von schwalli (21.11.03 02:02)
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#64119 - 27.11.03 04:37 Re: Canada [Re: schwalli]
Brad and Emillie
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Beiträge: 3
Vancouver... close enough?
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#64233 - 27.11.03 22:32 Re: Canada [Re: Brad and Emillie]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
oho! there is still hope! thanks for your posting grin
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#68720 - 08.01.04 10:15 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: Carol Streeter]
Nicht registriert
you don´t have to read www.cambiecycles.com/bentrider.html completely. Canada is different - just take Bryan´s word for it
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#76460 - 06.03.04 04:05 Re: Canada [Re: schwalli]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
hi there,
so,-- i made the move to victoria bc grin and my first impression of this nice place is just unbelievable cool grin smile this city is made for cyclists cool we have soooooo many bicyclelanes , bikeshops and proper places too lock the bikes laugh it is like haven !

if some of you guys ever plan to stop in victoria , let me know! maybe there is a place to stay for you..........

Geändert von schwalli (06.03.04 04:05)
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#83409 - 14.04.04 00:52 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: Maze]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
oki doki grin but i would need the forum t-shirts for that grin so- hurry up and get them in the mail to canada cool
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#105468 - 01.08.04 07:01 Re: Canada [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 4
Hi, Schwalli:
I'm new to this forum. I do live in Victoria -- since 1967.

I bike occasionally, depending on my work situation.

I haven't done any real touring, but I've commuted from Royal Oak to Langford; from Burnaby (Vancouver) to Victoria a few times.

Just bought a recumbent and am daydreaming about some touring.

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#105519 - 01.08.04 15:50 Re: Canada [Re: Nelson]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
finaly someone from victoria smile

welcome to our great forum---sorry most of it is in german smirk

which swb do you ride? is it the used rans from fairfield cycles?

i'm trying to get some recumbent riders together , i know we have lots of them in town, but somehow they all want to ride alone confused
that means it would be great to go for a ride together cool don't worry, i'm not a racer wink i'm more like a easy going guy grin

p.s. if you are interested in bicycle travelling, about once a month i bike to salt spring and stay at ruckle prov. park---i think it is great cheap and close getaway for one night--- feel free to contact me and we could go together!
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#105561 - 01.08.04 18:47 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 4
My recumbent is a new one - EZ Racer, I think it's called - but I did get it at Fairfield. It's there as I write, getting some adjustments done.

I only have 30km on it, finally getting used to it and comfortable with the unusual new balance and steering characteristics!

I had been looking at places to camp -- close to home to start with -- and Ruckle Park seemed quite appealing; your offer sounds worthwhile. I haven't done any real camping for 40-plus years, so I have to re-learn a lot, as well as accumulating equipment.

I'm not sure what my schedule for the next few weeks will be. Once I know better, I'll get in touch with you.

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#105600 - 01.08.04 21:27 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: Nelson]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
sounds good smile

see ya
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#265370 - 26.07.06 00:11 Re: bicycle travellers from canada [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 19
Originally posted by: schwalli

i'm wondering how many "non-registered" canadian bicycle travellers are visiting this bicycle forum?

it's been almost two years ago you've written your last comment at this post. not many canadiens showed up yet - i guess.
and even the lounge only got 14 new posts and about 35 comments within two years!
so, what's our conclusion? not that much happening and nothing to get over excited!
i think, the international version failed and didn't take grip beside german users communicating in english.
what's your thought? may be en francais la prochaine version, because there might be a whole bunch of francophone québecer who just waiting for?!
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#265371 - 26.07.06 03:00 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: Nelson]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
hi nelson,

how is it going?
i thought i have to check on you and see how you and your recumbent are doing!
my summer is pretty bussy tongue i'm also a kayaker and every weekend i have to make the tough call: kayak or bike camping grin i really like portland island with the boat, but i'm also crazy about ruckle prov. park on salt spring. not even talking the jummy coffee at morning side cafe in fulfort harbour!

let me know what you are up to, maybe we can go for a ride one day!

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#265372 - 26.07.06 03:46 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 4
Hi Andreas:

I really envy you having such difficult decisions to make! I've always wanted to try camping on Portland - but I think my kayak is too small to make the voyage. It's more suited to lakes and streams.

Ruckle Park (and the coffee) sounds great!
Right now, I'm working on a film in Vancouver - 12+ hours a day - then home to Victoria for weekends with the family... so not much time for recumbenting lately.
Once I finish this job, I hope to have time for an outing; maybe mid-September or so.
The trike is in Vancouver, but maybe I'll take it to Victoria for a weekend.

About 14 months ago, a friend and I did the circle tour (Vancouver-Victoria-Port Angeles-Port Townsend-Anacortes-Friday Harbor-Victoria-Vancouver) and had a great time. But I haven't been on the trike much since then.
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#265373 - 26.07.06 03:50 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: schwalli]
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Beiträge: 4

I just realized that since we last corresponded, I had sold my recumbent two-wheeler and bought a recumbent trike - a Catrike Road.
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#265668 - 27.07.06 01:14 Re: Canada - Victoria BC [Re: Nelson]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 1.162
wow a catrike! that's cool cool
today i got my rear rack for my hp-velotechnik streetmachine--finally after 2 months of waiting! fairfild cycle also got a brand new hp-velotechnik scorpion in, what a nice bike!

give me call when you are back in town.

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