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#629056 - 13.06.10 12:32 How to Buy a Bicycle
Shamim Ahammed
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Beiträge: 16
Unterwegs in Bangladesch

Hello Cycling experts from every corner of the earth share your experience here about buying or choosing a best bicycle. By these way I hope who want to buy a new one bicycle he can get the best one.
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#629133 - 13.06.10 17:07 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Shamim Ahammed]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 17.542
Originally Posted By: Shamim Ahammed
Hello Cycling experts from every corner of the earth share your experience here about buying or choosing a best bicycle. By these way I hope who want to buy a new one bicycle he can get the best one.

1st You should analyze your own idea of a bicycle. Just make a few essential bench marks.
2nd Look for informations: Take a look to cycling shops, cycling magazines and internet performances of cycling producers. Internet shops can help to find the right way, but avoid buying a bicycle in a web shop, finally.
3rd Take a preselection of a few cycling producers with some basic models.
4th Go to a cycling shop for discussion, testing some models, make clear essential sizes and techniques. Be aware of way of repairing the bicycle and how to find spares.
5th Discuss with your friends and in this forum about your preselection and the still existing questions.
6th Make clear about everything and sleep one night.
7th Are you still sure about what you want?
8th Go to your favorite cycling shop and start final discussion. Give order for your bicycle.
9th Be flexible if the cycling shop has to change some details, but assure yourself, that's necessary.
10th If the bicycle is ready, pay it at once. It's now yours. You are receiving now your new love. Take a first ride, test everything is okay and enjoy it like a new start in your life.

It's now finished. smile
Liebe Grüße! Ciao! Salut! Saludos! Greetings!
Pedalgeist - Panorama für Radreisen, Landeskunde, Wegepoesie, offene Ohren & Begegnungen
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#643180 - 04.08.10 07:25 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Shamim Ahammed]
Number Ⅱ
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Beiträge: 6
You can go there to choose your favourite bike.


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#662309 - 17.10.10 06:23 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Number Ⅱ]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 7
Unterwegs in Ägypten

It depends on your budget.Log on to firefoxbikes.com and you will find few varieties.
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#725697 - 28.05.11 05:11 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Shamim Ahammed]
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Beiträge: 5
It would be a good idea to buy an ebike.
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#738800 - 12.07.11 07:49 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Shamim Ahammed]
Thomas SH
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Beiträge: 2
The most important aspect to consider when deciding to buy a bike is whether it fulfils your needs. I live in Denmark and on weekends I enjoy biking off-road in the woods on my mountain bike. On an everyday basis I commute approx. 40 km back and fourth to work on my city/trekking bike. – And I recently purchased an ebike for those days where I can’t bare to arrive sweaty at work. So now I have three different bikes, – one for each purpose.

If you’re a real bicycle-enthusiast, like me, you’re going to need multiple bikes. It’s impossible to find one bike that will cover all your needs. It can however be a costly hobby, so it’s important to scope the market for good offers.

When I was shopping for my mountain bike, I visited many different bike shops. The service was always good, and the bicycle mechanics really know what they’re talking about. – There is however a price for this service, and if you’re a novice in the bicycle area, then I would definitely pay extra for this service and buy it at a physical bike store.

On the other hand, if you’re familiar and comfortable with bikes, and you have a well grounded knowledge in the area, then you might consider buying a bike somewhere else like a used bike, the internet or maybe even a police auction.

I recently purchased my new ebike on Denmark’s largest bicycle store: Coop – Cykler (Cykler means bicycle in Danish). I surfed the net for about a month before I decided on my new ebike, making sure that I had exhausted all possibilities.

The bike is a Mustang Passion (not the car) with 7 gears in black aluminium and it is able to travel approx. 35 km on a full charge, which is perfect for me. I remember back in the days where an ebike cost as much as a small motorcycle and weighed just about the same, – so I was really pleased when I found my Passion bike. It weighs 23 kg and cost about 1.500 $, which probably sounds expensive in comparison to American standards, but it’s actually quite cheap considering our high VAT (25 %) in Denmark.


So just to sum up, choose your bike according to what your going to use it for and make sure that you have scoped the market for the best price and service if you need it.

I wish you lot’s of luck when choosing your next bike.
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#750715 - 21.08.11 12:08 Re: How to Buy a Bicycle [Re: Shamim Ahammed]
Nicht registriert
Sorry, don't get me wrong about this, but this article is exactly what for? I mean every contemplates his pros and cons so the solutions will be as different as humans are different. Of course this forum here is an eclectic source, tips galore. But this doesn't really got me off the fence. The last measure in horizontality in the decision-making process compulsory comes simply from my belly. You got the idea.
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