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#68427 - 06.01.04 00:58 Summer 2004 - Europe
Nicht registriert
I'm a 19 year old male going on a 4 month bike tour of Europe. I'm not sure at all of my itinerary yet, but I'm starting in Amsterdam, NL, on May 5th 2004, and I have to be back there on August 25th 2004 to get home. (we'll see if I want to leave, I guess)
I live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan(Canada), and this'll be my first tour. I'm a hardcore biker though, and I race and ride bikes, so it won't be too slow paced. (but who knows)
I definately wouldn't mind hooking with someone for different legs of my tour, to ride with, or even just to hang with and camp out on their land.
I'm a jazz drummer/musician/intellectual/psycadelic fan/ revolutionary/prophet/etc.
I want to meet as many new and cool people as possible and have crazy adventures of all kinds.
Drop me a line if you feel like hanging out. I promise at the very least that we'll have a good conversation.

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#68662 - 07.01.04 19:34 Re: Summer 2004 - Europe [Re: Anonym]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8.052
Hello Andy,

I wanted to tell you that there is a big meeting of cyclist in Germany between the 19th of may until the 23rd of May at the Edersee (Lake Eder). The lake is near Kassel, quite in the middle of Germany and it will be on a campingground.
The adresse is:
Campingground Teichmann,
34516 Vöhl - Herzhausen,
Tel.: 05635/ 245
The prices for a night will be 1 Pers.+ 1 tent = 8 EUR or 2 Pers.+ 1 tent = 10 EUR.
It would be a good idea for making a reservation because the expect more than 100 cyclists. I am sure you will meet many interesting people who enjoy cycling longer tours. May be we will also come.

May be you should copy your thread in the german diskussion under "Reisepartner". I think many Germans don't read the english threads but will understand your English and may be you find some partners for some days.

Bye! Renata
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#68702 - 08.01.04 07:59 Re: Summer 2004 - Europe [Re: Rennrädle]
Nicht registriert
May be you should copy your thread in the german diskussion under "Reisepartner". I think many Germans don't read the english threads but will understand your English and may be you find some partners for some days.

Actually, quite a few german members of this forum regularly check the international discussion, as can be seen by various postings from germans.

Since it is not accepted to write English in the german discussion forum, Andy would have to translate his request first. But this is only useful if he does speak German, in order to understand the answers.

At any rate, I can only support Renata's hint on the cyclists' meeting in May: You'll never find so many fellow cycling travelers in one place again!

I wish you a lot of fun on your trip in Europe. We boast a lot of beautiful places around here smile
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#68763 - 08.01.04 17:30 Re: Summer 2004 - Europe [Re: ]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8.052
[Since it is not accepted to write English in the german discussion forum, ....]

Hello Eva-Maria,

oh sorry blush , I didn't know it but I must say it makes sense.... wink

See you!

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