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#911453 - 19.02.13 21:39 Doping & Tour de France
Thomas SH
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Beiträge: 2
Hey Guys,

Tyler Hamilton is currently accusing Dr. Eufemiano Fuentes of helping him take doping. Lance Armstrong has been stripped of his 7 Tour de France wins along with numerous other cyclists, that have either been banned from races or stripped of their wins.

The question is should the UCI, WADA, USADA, and CCN continue there battle against doping or do you think that doping should be allowed?

Since the beginning of the Tour de France riders have cheated ... Even the first winner of the Tour: Maurice Garin, took the train part of the way in the 1904 race and was strippe dof his wins.

It might be unethical to even suggest it, but wouldn't the Tour de France be a little more interesting if riders were allowed to du whatever they wanted? - May the best/sneakiest man win :-)
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#911626 - 20.02.13 12:40 Re: Doping & Tour de France [Re: Thomas SH]
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Beiträge: 14.697
Originally Posted By: Thomas SH
The question is should the UCI, WADA, USADA, and CCN continue there battle against doping or do you think that doping should be allowed?

The UCI fights against doping? Are you sure? unsure

A legalisation of doping would eliminate the need of organsisation like WADA, USADA aso.
A basic characteristic of bureaucrazy is increasing of itself, but not decreasing. Doping won't be allowed.
Dif-tor heh smusma! \\//_ - Lebe lang und in Frieden. Und für Radfahrer: Radel weit und ohne Platten.
In dem Sinne meint Jochen: Das Leben ist hart. Mit und ohne Oberlippenbart.
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#1145378 - 23.07.15 15:44 Re: Doping & Tour de France [Re: JaH]
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Beiträge: 10
The Tour de France is on right now and nearing its conclusion. I just had a discussion about the topic the other day with my friend. We think there´s probably still some form of doping in the sport. Not as extreme as in Armstrong´s day, but still. The Tour de France is such an inhuman quest to accomplish, so many kilometers, such high speeds, so little rest, how would they be able to do it clean?

No doping agencies however would spin the dope taking out of control and deaths would not be weird consequence. I think it´s important for the health of the riders (particularly in the long-term)that there is outside supervision.

Also, I hope they´re all doping equally, so that the best man still wins (go Froome!).

Let´s see how the next days turn out.
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